There is a dizzying array of body contouring procedures widely available today, and my Sarasota plastic surgery patients sometimes express confusion about what each surgery does and who it would benefit. If you’ve ever wondered what makes a mini tummy tuck “mini” or what exactly a circumferential body lift is, read on for a quick primer on some popular types of body contouring surgery.
Tummy Tuck: One of the oldest and most well-known body contouring procedures, a traditional tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, uses an incision from hip to hip just above the pubic area. The surgeon tightens loose abdominal muscles with internal sutures, removes excess fat with liposuction, and cuts away loose, sagging skin to create a smooth, flat abdomen. Tummy tucks are especially popular with women who have had children and people who have lost lots of weight. A mini tummy tuck is similar, but it uses a smaller incision and focuses primarily on the lower abdomen, an area of concern for many people.
Liposuction: Many people associate liposuction, or the surgical removal of fat through suction, with the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, but today’s liposuction techniques also make it useful on smaller areas including the chin, neck, and ankles. Liposuction improves the physiques of thousands of patients annually, but it’s not a good solution for cellulite, stretch marks, or obesity. Liposuction creates the best results when patients use it to address stubborn, localized fat deposits. The effects of liposuction can last indefinitely, provided the patient commits him or herself to a healthy lifestyle.
Circumferential Body Lift: Actually a combination of several surgical procedures, a circumferential body lift is the preferred method for bariatric surgery patients to streamline their bodies if their weight loss leaves behind excess sagging skin. A body lift can be customized to meet the needs of each patient, although it usually includes a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and buttock lift. Liposuction can be added to tackle small amounts of stubborn fat.
Other Lifts: Many surgeons, including myself, also perform other types of “lifts,” including arm lifts, thigh lifts (inner and outer), and Brazilian butt lifts. Just as their names imply, these surgeries focus on more specific areas of the body where excess fat and skin laxity is common. By “lifting” the upper arms, thighs, or buttocks, surgeons can create slimmer, more youthful contours on patients who have tried to address the areas with diet and exercise regimens.