By: William Burden, M.D., FACS
It’s a disappointing reality: All surgeries leave scars. However, like I tell my breast augmentation patients in Tallahassee, scarring can be minimized with the right care and proper minimal incision surgical techniques.
Many factors contribute to post-surgical scarring; some you can control, some you can’t. For example, age can play a major part. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and less elastic, so it doesn’t always heal as well as it did in our youths. Some people are simply more genetically prone to scarring, while others maintain habits, such as smoking, that affect their bodies’ natural healing abilities.
At my patient consultations and pre-op appointments, I always explain in detail where and why I plan to make any incisions. Some surgeries, particularly breast enhancement procedures, have a number of options for incision locations. At my practice, we specialize in “No Scar on the Breast” augmentations, using incisions located in the crease of the armpit. Our patients are thrilled with the natural-looking results this incision method can provide.
If you’re considering a cosmetic surgery, it’s imperative that you be committed to following your doctor’s post-op instructions. Overexerting yourself or not tending to your dressings can cause complications, including scarring. After any breast enhancement surgery, the breasts must be supported with special bandages or a surgical bra, especially if the incision was made on the breast. Good support will facilitate healing and minimize scars. Your doctor may also recommend herbal supplements, such as arnica, and topical creams or ointments to care for your incisions.
Your surgeon can give you a clear idea about what degree of scarring you can expect. Though some scarring is inevitable, taking good care of yourself before and after your surgery can help make your results just as beautiful as you’d envisioned.